The Persistent Widow

The Persistent Widow
August 11, 2024

The Persistent Widow

Passage: Luke 18:1-8

We all have situations when we ask God for the same thing over and over again. "God, my job." "God, my diagnosis." "God, my marriage." "God, my kids." "God, my finances."  Yet, He seems unmoved. We even turn to God’s Word and say things like, “But God, You said...." "I’ve brought this to You for years.” Yet, you’re not getting an answer. You’re left wondering, “What am I to do?” What do you do when it seems like God is not answering your prayers? Maybe you’re at a crossroads and you feel like giving up. Well, Jesus gives us an incredible answer. He tells a parable, illustrating how we are to navigate one of the sources of great frustration in our faith journey.

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