The Design: Foundations

The Design: Foundations
August 25, 2024

The Design: Foundations

Passage: Genesis 1:26-28, Matthew 7:24-27

We're launching a new teaching series this week called Blueprints: Building Families by God’s Design. Over the next several weeks, we are going to look at God’s design and purpose for the family, the power of prayer, investing in a healthy marriage, developing discipline with your kids, instilling a positive self-esteem in your family, how to counter the culture we live in, principles for healthy communication, encountering challenges, and leaving a lasting legacy. In part one of the sermon series, we are going to press into God’s design for family, the foundation on which we are to build our families. Understanding that the structure that is built will not look the same for all of us, but the foundation must be solid and established according to God’s design.

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