Spiritual Superstitions

Spiritual Superstitions
February 12, 2023

Spiritual Superstitions

Passage: 1 Samuel 4

The Israelites leaning more on superstition instead of a relationship with God created a mess. They lost more than 34,000 soldiers in two battles. They lost every priest as Eli, Hophni, and Phinehas died. They lost the ark of the covenant, the most sacred object! The Israelite army ran for their lives. The glory of the Lord had departed Israel. Utter surrender. Sometimes God has to get us to rock bottom before we can see what He has for us. Because when we are rock bottom, we lose trust in ourselves and can begin trusting God. That’s why I say surrender is actually a good place to be. When we reach the point at which we surrender everything to The Lord, blessings are sure to follow.

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