Chris Wigley

Good works is the outcome of salvation. Good works do not do the saving, but they are evidence that we are saved. We should walk in a way that reflects…
Because of our new life in Christ, we ought to have a new focus. Our focus should shift from our old identity to our new identity. Our focus should shift…
One of the major themes throughout Paul’s writing to the Church in Ephesus is the idea of being made new, that we have new life in Christ and that has…

I Am The True Vine

May 28, 2023
Today we wrap up a teaching series where we’ve been looking at the 7 “I AM” statements of Jesus in the Gospel of John. Today, Jesus says to us, “I…
Have you ever prayed a prayer and God didn't answer it the way you wanted, or in the time you wanted? People get angry with God.  They would say that…
Many times, we tend to come to this passage and look at it from the perspective that we are sheep. Sheep are not smart animals, so we need a shepherd.…

I Am The Door

April 30, 2023
Doors, gates and alarms are important.  They serve a purpose for our safety and protection.  They are for our sheltering.  They offer peace of mind.  In a world that presents…
There's something unsettling about the dark that is unsettling to all of us.  We don't like the darkness.  And Jesus says that He has come to be the light of…

I Am the Bread of Life

April 16, 2023
We are going to press pause on our study through 1 Samuel and study each of the 7 sayings of Jesus that begin with the phrase, “I AM.” Throughout the…
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