Trinity Children’s Ministry
Exists to help kids learn more about who God is, how He loves them, and how He wants them to have fun while doing so!

1st-6th Grade Students: During these formative years, we want our kids to form a solid foundation built on God’s word through interactive lessons, games and scripture memory. Bible study classes meet on Sunday mornings at 9:30

11:00 Sunday Worship:
1st-6th Grade Students: After Sunday morning Bible Study, kids can experience a fun-filled worship experience, while their parents are participating in corporate worship.

Wednesday Night Activities:
1st-6th Grade Students
Each month students will be taken on a journey of studying God’s Word. Come for Pizza, Games, Bible Study, Worship and Service Projects.

1st-6th Grade Girls: The object of FAITHGIRLZ is to instill in our girls the importance of inner beauty and the value they have in Christ. FAITHGIRLZ meets the last Wednesday of each month 6:00p.m.-7:30p.m.

1st-6th Grade Boys: Pathfinders goal is to lead young men to the path God has for their lives, to serve others and our community. Pathfinders meets the last Wednesday of each month from 6:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m